I was talking to one of my brothers on Skype the other day and we were both feeling rather disillusioned by the commercialism of the season - here in Japan it too is a holiday run by department stores. And in a predominantly nominal Buddhist culture, it has little religious significance. What we have here in Japan is a kind of hodge podge of ideas of what people think an American or European Christmas should look like, so it is generally mismatched, gaudy, and geared toward spending. This is fine if you are a person for whom the holiday holds no specific spiritual meaning - it's a nice time of year for spending time with family and giving and receiving gifts. But beyond the shopping, gifts, and Santas, all of which I enjoy, I need it to mean something more significant. I am far from perfect, and Christmas carols that talk about "...the dawn of redeeming grace..." or about how "...hate is strong, and mocks the song of peace on Earth, good will to men..." stir something in me. So today I bought my four Advent candles - one to light each week - and will await Christmas in perhaps a more quiet, introspective way than I have in recent years.

I also wanted my apartment to look a little more festive than it did. So I bought a mini Christmas tree from the 100 Yen store and decorated it with some lights and little snowflake ornaments. Then I wrapped my garland of Danish flags (not "controversial" Danish cartoons, mind you) around the tree. I'm happy with the result. My little ten tatami mat-sized space of Japan looks a little warmer tonight:

P.S. I also made a plum pudding that is waiting to be eaten on Christmas Eve.
Matt--your little tree is so cute! ...I was going to ask you what the xmas celebration was like in Japan. It certainly seems confusing!
Jenny and I went to mass yesterday for the first Sunday of advent. We were very disappointed because the choir didn't sing "O Come Emmanuel," and we have mostly been going to church to hear the good songs :)
Plum pudding! My grandmother and I would join you if we could.
I love your small but festive tree. Stay calm through Advent - the candles will help.
Do they have Christmas cookies in Japan? Please tell me they have Christmas cookies in Japan. I will be very sad for you if they don't.
The Japanese tradition sounds kind of... garish. But I like your tree. It's very cozy.
Does it snow in Utsunomiya?
Happy Advent to you! May God bless your heart's preparation for the coming celebration of His birth as well as His coming again.
Jean: What? No "O Come Emmanuel"? I love that song. What about "Lo, How a Rose e'er Blooming"
Liz: Let's make plum pudding when I get back and save it for the next Christmas - I've been spiking mine with brandy.
AV: Alas, they do not have Christmas cookies. I'm so sad about this too. I can find Scotch shortbread, but no sugar cookies.
Christi: Thank you.
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