I was starting my second year at Hogwarts, except Hogwarts wasn't Hogwarts; it was an office complex on a sunny, city street. And I wasn't moving into a dormitory, but an office. As I put my things at one of two desks which were separated from the room with a bed sheet, I glanced at the things sitting on the desk opposite mine. There was a pair of pink heels, a black brief case, and a pink Jackie O' style hat sitting there. I looked at them and thought, "Oh, Good, AV is my new office mate!" (Yes, Angry Vegan, you were in my dream!). As I got things settled in. AV walked in dressed in a sixties style dress-with-pants type suit and a hat that looked like Madeline's from the children's story. The overall effect was like the outfit Violet Beauregarde from Willie Wonka wore:

She grabbed her wand and went outside, so I followed. AV was looking up into the sky where several crows were congregated, but something looked odd. I looked up too and the sky had become the ground and the crows were all eating something on the pavement above us and it was as if we were in the sky looking down on them.
Suddenly, a gigantic chariot flew across the sky (which was the sky once again) off in the distance and the driver (Apollo?) was trying desperately to stop the beasts that were pulling the chariot, but couldn't and there was an amazing crash. Then we went around to the front of the building and in the sky was a towering, giant Neptune with his pitchfork and a large seahorse flying by and then a large viking ship in the distance. It started raining and it was getting difficult to see, so AV and I took out our wands and said "Expeliaramus," or whatever Harry, Ron and Hermione say, and the rain temporarily started falling in slow motion. All of the sudden all of these wizards started running by on the street - a woman with her two children stopped and talked to AV about what was going on, but I couldn't hear what they said.
Then I woke up and thought, "That was cool."
AV, did you have a similar dream?
Well, I did watch Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban on Sunday.
Is that a coincidence worthy of Twilight Zone music?
Sorry I'm behind the times, but I just wanted to say that your tree is absolutely awesome. Perhaps I shall wrap ours in Norwegian flags. Or perhaps we'll just stick to that awful, beautiful ornament made of Liz's fake teeth.
I think so.
WOW, THAT WAS WEIRD. We just commented at the same exact time. In the time it took my page to reload, you appeared!
NOW cue that music.
Steena: You can get Norwegian flags at a little Scandinavian shop in St. Peter. It's on the main street on your left when heading toward the Twin Cities.
Those teeth still haunt me.
Yeah, same thing happened to me!
Speaking of teeth ornaments, your comments reminded me of the time my dad tried to make my mom a thoughtful gift that totally backfired: He took some of our baby teeth and clippings of hair from our baby books and put them in a clear ornament with a ribbon on it.
I'm sure he thought it was nostalgic and in the same vein as Victorian hairwork, but it looked like hair and teeth in a Christmas ornament. It was gross.
When he gave it to my mom, the only words she could muster were "is this supposed to be... a dermoid cyst?"
And so now every Christmas, we try to hang the cyst on the tree without my mom noticing.
Holiday traditions at the AV house!
This is unrelated, but hooray for your new profile picture!
Very sharp, sir. Very sharp.
Brewguru - that was a fascinating website - where did you find that?
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