Okay, before I post about salsa dancing with Emiko and Mayu last night, here's a picture of what I get to look at every day when I leave my apartment for work. Not only do I get to see this every day, I get to hear it from Monday through Friday at 9:00 am sharp. They are building ugly condos next to my ugly apartment complex to add to the long row of ugly buildings that line the main street of Utsunomiya. I wish they would have converted this empty lot into a garden or a small park.

Anyway, on to salsa. Going to a dance club in Utsunomiya on a Thursday night with Mayu and Emiko was a pretty trippy experience - primarily because it reminded me of going to the MMC with Jean and Shannon on Thursday nights in St. Paul - there were odd people dancing about - a really fun, retro 50s/60s/70s/80s band, and salsa dance lessons in between. Here's what the night looked like (in a kind of cool, blurry way):

Emiko and I cutting a rug (as the hipsters say):

Emiko and Mayu whoopin' it up on the dance floor:

Me and Mayu havin' a blast - we got those salsa steps down and added some creative twists of our own - most of which ended in our arms getting all tangled around our heads and necks:

The dance instructor - from Arthur Murray - took down my number and is going to try and get me to take lessons. I may do this if I can get their schedule to work with mine. I want to be ready when I get back to the states and go to Monday Night salsa in Minneapolis with Gayle and her friends.
This last picture is of the slowly decaying jack-o-lantern I made with Kentaro at the party - I think it looks quite nice on my porch with my oya stone lantern, potted basil, and just the briefest (no pun intended) glimpse of my boxer briefs hanging out to dry:
Briefest! Ha ha ha!
Maybe it's so creepy looking because it's like an old man pumpkin who forgot to put in his teeth.
That first picture makes me grumpy and annoyed in sympathy - stupid construction at seven in the stupid morning.
Salsa looks awesome - when you come back, you should come swing dancing with us!
Yay dance clubs!
It's funny that you should mention the MMC, because Shan and I were talking about you ALL NIGHT last night--no kidding. There was an old lady there hopping around without shoes on, doing step aerobics on the dance floor, and I think you would've loved her. She was fun to imitate...a good workout.
And remember that tai chi (I have no IDEA how to spell that) chick we saw last winter? The one who just moved her arms around carefully and with too-much thought? She wasn't there last night, but I channeled her, did some sweet moves.
I can't wait till you come home.
This made me lonesome for Bill's pumpkin carving parties and the good old days. Are you on facebook yet? Do it man. It is fun and addicting but a great way to keep in touch. I still have not found a good blog feeder that can get me your new stuff every day. I still have to remember to come and check.
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