I'm not sure why I get so angry when things like having to repost everything on Blogger happen to me - I mean, I live in an age where such things only take a few minutes, but for some reason, I get almost livid when things like this happen. Anyway, today was our Halloween party at school. I had to be at work at 11am after not sleeping well the night before. We often have open Sundays where we interview prospective students and offer special lessons. I had to work today and was lucky enough to have signed up two prospectives who will be starting next week. For my special lesson, I taught how to make pumpkin pie and how to carve a jack-o-lantern. We only had one student sign up for my special class. But as it was Kentaro - who's a great student, I didn't mind having only one.
Here's Kentaro rolling out dough for the face on top of his pumpkin pie. I pre-made the pie dough, but beside that, he made the whole thing by himself:

Here we are about to put the pie in the microwave/convection oven. In Japan, things are very specifically done - for example, when you are in the kitchen you wear a stupid apron, like the ones we are wearing. You don't see any other style but these weird, cumbersome things. But as I didn't want to get flour on myself, I wore one:

After making pie, we carved jack-o-lanterns. It was fun to see the reactions of Kentaro and the staff as we lit them and put them in a darkened room. People just don't really carve pumpkins much here so it was fun for everyone to see how they looked all lit up:

At 5:00 the first party guests arrived. Here's Kotaro, one of our brilliant students, who walked in and casually took off his jacket and put on a lab coat, transforming himself into a pretty convincing doctor:

Meanwhile, Kentaro donned his costume. Clowns generally scare me, but somehow Kentaro's sunglasses-wearing, pig-snout-sporting version, made me laugh hysterically:

Here's Satomi, Michiko, and Michel (a.k.a. Lucifer sensei) as the party was beginning:

Yukiyo and Sayaka decided to be Shibuya high school girls and did a pretty good job looking exactly like them - right down to the makeup. They look exactly like many students I see on the street every day. Here they are with two new students who's names I don't know - Michel and I call them "the crazy guys" because, as you can see from the picture, they are quite mad. The one in the pink Chinese dress is a huge baseball fan and not only knew that Minnesota's team was called the Twins, but also that Torii Hunter played on our team:

Setsuko also wore a Chinese dress. Here she is with Stacy, who was a giraffe this weekend:

Emiko, like the crazy guys, did some cross-dressing for the evening. I loaned her a cigar I had so she could be a gangster. Mayu dressed as another kind of Shibuya girl - Her makeup may look extreme, but it is EXACTLY what you see some of the girls doing in Shibuya:

Kei, who is another of our brilliant students put on a halo for the evening and is sitting here with her classmate's (Aki's) daugher, who made a cuter cat than the crazy guys:

We had a contest for best student costume: Aki, who is a gorgeous, wonderful student (mother of the cat in the last picture), played her part as a disco king to the hilt and was flanked most of the evening by the two crazy guys (who came in second place):

Here we all are at the end of the night:

All in all, it was a lot of fun. We have a great crew of students and this batch in particular were all really social and got to know each other better tonight. Now I'm at home sipping wine and feeling better that this post is almost complete and I can post it without losing it again.
This looks like it was an amazing time! Glad they all enjoyed the pumpkin carving.
I'll try to remember to email you soon - I've been looking at books for my NNS class next semester, and I saw one that was written with Japanese students in mind - is that what your parents will need, or will they be teaching Chinese ESL students?
Kei is pretty beautiful, too. If only my skin were that glowing!
Your pumpkin pie looks awesome
Hey Matt. Looks like you had a pretty fun Halloween. Just wanted to let you know that I haven't been avoiding you on Yahoo Messenger...for some reason I haven't been able to sign on and am not sure when or IF I'm gonna be able to fix the situation, so feel free to email me man.
Sooooo. Does the crazy guy in the dress always look like someone stepped on his johnson, or is that just for pictures?
Just kidding. Looks like it was fun. And pumpkin pie!
But Matt! What were you? Do tell.
Did you go as Chad? I hope so.
steena: I'm the one in the blue turban in the group shot - I wore my clothes from India to the party.
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