Saturday, July 29, 2006

Some Good News

Thanks to you all for your kind thoughts and words after Sydney died - I really appreciate it. It helped me feel a lot better.

I also got some good news (on an unrelated note) that made me feel even better after having kind of a down week. The Victorian Web agreed to put a chapter of my thesis on their site. If you want to see it, here it is. I'm pretty happy about this and I think it's another publication I can add to my list.


Jean. said...

Your big words make my brain hurt.

Nice work, and congrats!

(It's times like this when I realize how glad I'm an MFA and not an MA. MFA's are allowed to be just a little stupid.)

Kristin said...

Oh my god that is so exciting! By the way, your chapter kicks my entire thesis' ass.

C-Lover said...

Wow Matt, congrats! I have only had a chance to read a few paragraphs (being at work and all) but it is really interesting!!! You are awesome.