Tuesday, July 25, 2006

My Cat is Dying...

...and I am in Japan.


Kristin said...

She's dying? What do you mean she's dying? What's wrong with her?

Anskov said...

She somehow got a maggot embedded in her neck - maybe through a sting by a bug - and after it was removed she did better for a while but now has had renal/kidney failure due to toxins in her body and is probably going to be put to sleep tomorrow if the vet can't save her.

Liz said...


christina said...

Matt - I'm so sorry.

Jean. said...

I'm sorry too. I hope it wasn't painful. : (

Shan said...

Oh Matt...I'm so sorry to hear that.

Anonymous said...

I wish there was something to say that would make this easier for you, but I guess there really isn't.

I'm crossing my fingers for a last-minute miracle - but in any circumstance, my thoughts are with you.

Anskov said...

Just heard today - after the last procedure, Sydney got worse so they had to put her down.

Yesterday, when I thought about it, it was making me feel really sad all day - I kept messing up small things in my lessons and I wasn't really all there. I wasn't overly emotional or breaking down every five minutes, just really sad about it. And then I would get mad for being so sentimental - it seemed a little embarrassing for a guy in his 30s to be broken up about a cat. Then I realized that it's not embarrassing at all to feel something when an animal you cared for has died. So yeah, I'm sad about it.

Chad said...

I'm so sorry, Matt.

Kristin said...

Oh Matty I'm so sorry.:(

Anonymous said...

Matt... I don't have the words, just I'm sorry.

I feel closer to my dogs than I do to most people. I've never understood it when people criticize relationships with pets. It can't be described.

A candle lit for you today, my friend.

Heather Cady said...

Mattie! I'm so sorry about your kitty.

We are here in MN and it's so weird that you aren't here!

June bug

C-Lover said...

My cat died in Minnesota while I was here in Oregon. It was really wierd because no one really understands why you are sad and you feel dumb telling them. This July was the first time I was home since he died and it was odd. I went to look for him forgetting he wasn't there.

I guess what I am saying is I'm sorry and I know what you are going through.