Last night I had a Tarantino type dream - it was strange. Maybe you won't find it too like Pulp Fiction or anything because it wasn't really violent, but the behavior of the two people seemed like that of characters in his films. I was on Kipling St. in St. Paul, the street I grew up on. I was on the sidewalk across from my house when a car drives by slowly in the passenger seat is a tan woman with blonde hair. She is one of the web designers from my company. She catches my eye and we stare at each other. I sense something is going to happen. Something does: She pulls out a gun and points it at me. The car stops so she can take some shots at me. I duck behind a parked car, yet bullets whiz by me. She shoots at me like six times. Then she and the driver, who happens to be the head of our design department at work decide that since they've emptied the gun, they can do no more. They throw the gun in the street muttering something about it being someone else's gun anyway, and get back in their car and drive off. I didn't feel afraid in the dream, just a bit disappointed that it would be so easy for the police to catch them. That's all I remember of the dream. I guess it wasn't too much like Tarantino, but the characters were kind of bad ass like characters in Tarantino films, even if they were co-workers.
Okay, that seemed much more interesting in my head than it actually was so let's just leave it. I picked up my friend Suvir's new cookbook yesterday at Borders. Here it is:

Today, I made the veggie enchiladas and they were really flavorful and fun to make. Then I went to Starbucks (cuz I'm angry with Caribou right now) and sat and read through most of the text of this beautiful book. Lots of interesting anecdotes and histories about the foods featured. Highly recommended.
I hope your weekend is going well.
I may have to check out that cookbook. I'm into Indian these days.
Have you finished Tom's book yet? I did. I'm wondering what you thought of it.
That book looks amazing -- I demand that the next time we encounter, you cook me something from it.
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