I'm not really sure of a better word than "great" to use, but it's such an understatement and does nothing to prepare you for how extensive, huge, beautiful, dangerous, winding, massive, awesome, and impressive this wall is. It has to be more than one word - or maybe a sound, like:
It's that impressive.
Before the pics of the wall, here's a few of my first full day or two in Beijing. First, I went to sit in on my dad's class. I really enjoyed watching him teach after sitting in a pew in church for years and seeing him in the role of preacher. He's doing a great job and his students - all PhD students at Peking University - really like him and mom (who sits in on the class and helps out). Here's my pop in action in the classroom:

After classes, the teachers on my dad's volunteer team gathered by a beautiful lake on the campus to take pictures, so mom, dad, and I decided to take our picture too. This is at some famous rock. Someone told me why it was famous, but I cannot remember the reason. Anyway, here we are:

After pics, we had my first Chinese meal. Now I'd always heard that the Chinese food we get in the US is vastly different from what you actually get here - this is probably true if you go to various regions of the country, but here in Beijing, you still have the MSG-laden, deep-fried food you can get at Chinese takeout. We did try something a little different (but still greasy) - catfish:

Now, here are pictures of the Great Wall at Badaling (don't ask me the intonation on that one - it's tough). We had to take a cable car up to the wall. Here are my parents' reactions to seeing their first glimpse of the wall from the cable car:

And here are some more pictures I snapped from the wall. The day was perfect, but the wall is a bit more steep than you'd think - in fact, many people go to this section because it is one of the safer climbs on the wall (which is in disrepair in other spots). So, I won't put any more commentary, but just let you see the wall. As always, the pics are nothing compared to the real thing. Still, enjoy them:

That's the wall. Stay tuned for "The Forbidden City," "The Dirt Market," and "The Summer Palace."
Again, wow.
Really cool to see your father teaching, I'm glad your folks are enjoying their little stint out there.
The wall really is indescribable, isn't it? If I do make it out to China again, and it's not in the winter like last time, (two years ago :-p) I'd like to go to the Wall at Simatai... very treacherous, but beautiful.
Keep them blogs coming!
Gorgeous view, especially in that last photo... and we have the same shirt. When you come home, let's wear our respective matching shirts about town and garner envious (or irritated) looks from passerbys.
Are you going to be home by the 12th?
It never occurred to me to think of this, but after seeing a picture of your parents I know this for sure:
You look like a perfect 50/50 blend of your parents.
I make this profound scientific declaration after my brief perusal of at least 3 photos, so I must be right.
Looking forward to seeing you back in town.
Matty, the farewell posts from Japan were touching. and i see that you are having a great time in China.
have fun.
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