...be typing about weight loss as I sit eating a rum raisin chocolate bar (my favorite candy in Japan), and after having gone through a large carton of vanilla ice cream last week. But I was looking through old pictures on Michel's blog as well as mine a few nights ago, and I am quite pleased to have gone from this:

to this:

in ten months. I still have more weight I want to lose, but it's a start.
Looking good!
You are svelt. And hot. Keep up the good work.
Stupid marriage. I've gained 10 pounds since June.
Congrats Matt. For me, I don't even look at the number of pounds. It's too easy to fall into a trap and become a slave to the scales. For me, it's all about how I distribute and carry the weight I have. Whatever you're doing that's working, keep it up---I'm guessing a LOT of it has to do with your mode of transit and your diet, but that's just me guessing. But most of all, you're happy with yourself and your situation, that right there is crucial. If you're stressed out over a number on a scale, sometimes that's more of a hinderance than a motivator, at least to me anyway. We all respond to stimuli differently. keep up the good woork man.
One word: Rowwwwr.
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