A couple weeks ago he was really hard-selling the oden because of a sale they were having. He gestured to the oden and said "Seven day sale. Sale start yesterday. You can eat oden?" "Yes," I replied, "I can eat oden. It's delicious." Then I looked at the sign and the date indicated that it started not yesterday, but tomorrow. "So the sale starts tomorrow?" I asked. Hideto smiled and said nothing, so I took this to mean that he either didn't understand that bit, or that yes, the sale did indeed start tomorrow. I was a little confused. I paid for my tofu (okay, it WAS ice cream this time) and said good night. Hideto smiled and waved and said. "Bye, Matt. See you yesterday!"
And that statement put to rest my confusion.
Anyway, I thought since I hadn't posted in a while on happenings in Japan, I would. I also have a couple of pictures I took at the Miya Matsuri - our town's summer festival - that I am pretty proud of. These were taken the day before I left for India:

Two other items to report:
First, my brother Eric and his family left Japan last week and I am already missing them tons. It was always have family to visit at the end of a long week. They also were a great help to me whenever I had a question. Thanks Eric, Maki, Ethan, Ranelle, and Dominic - I'll miss you guys.

The second piece of news is that I have renewed my contract for an additional three months. I decided to dodge another Minnesota winter and come home in April (or May, if I do some traveling). I'm glad I renewed - I am seeing so much improvement with many of my students and it's fun to see them progress over the months. I am going to miss everyone, but those months will go fast I'm sure. I can't believe how quickly things have gone already. I've also been thinking of moving from Victorian lit to American lit for my PhD studies. I really like the American playwright Horton Foote and am considering doing my dissertation on him.
Matt! May? Oh, the sadness.
It has gone by fast, though.
I like American Lit moreso. BECAUSE YOU ARE AMERICAN. Don't forget it. :)
Where are you applying for the Phd.?
(Pronounce that phud. That's how I like it.)
No. I mean, good for you! But no, bad for me.
Just today at lunch I was talking with Twitch about how much I miss having you here, at TW/FL and in Minnesota. I miss having fake egg quesadillas and Caribou for breakfast while we discuss the gossip of the day so far. I miss you calling me on your way to work asking if I can check your call schedule. I miss running over to your desk and hiding in the corner so no one could see me avoiding my work.
How dare you forsake me this way!:( I'm sad now. I must leave my cubicle for the day and drown my sorrows in Cocoa Krispies. Thank you very much.
FINE! You don't want a job here at FL? Well then, HEY JEANO, WANNA WORK WITH ME?:)
I'm on my way. Here I come right now.
Seriously. Job. Jean need job.
Matt! Ack! I was looking forward to seeing you on my trip to Minnesota in the winter.
Yeah, I know, hot damn: a trip to Minnesota in the winter? Awesome.
But now I won't have you to brighten my days... I guess I'll have to make Katy show me her boobs.
Well, I can totally understand your wanting to dodger the arctic temperatures of a minnesota winter, but I had no idea you were even considering an extension. You obviously must be enjoying your stay in Japan. I can't wait to hear all about your trip after you've returned home.
LMAO---dodger? my dog musta been doing the typing
That's a great idea to stay longer. One more time for ohanami during sakura season. You'll probably leave prior to the rainy season. Timing is everything they say.
I am amazed at your will power to only limit it for three more months.
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